Welcome to the GMIT’s CCAM Graduate Virtual Showcase 2021
This virtual gallery contains work from 29 of our graduates from they 4 pathways of the Design program.
- Animation and Game Design
- Graphic Design
- Textiles and Fashion Design
- Industrial Design
The gallery must be viewed on a PC or laptop, using:
- W, A, S and D keys to move forward, backwards, left and right
- The Mouse to rotate left and right or look up and down
- When a students name becomes visible below a display, press “spacebar” on keyboard to open/close a more info panel
- Press “r” to return to the beginning of the Gallery
- Click on the blue square on the bottom right of the gallery window to view in full screen
- ESC key will return mouse control outside the game
Click the VR window to begin using your mouse to look around.
Movement: W, S, A, and D keys to move forward, backwards, left and right respectively.
Press number 1 key to enter fullscreen or click button below.
Press Esc key to exit fullscreen mode, or return mouse control outside the game.