Hi, my name is Ben Beazley and I am studying the benefits of gaming for my Major project. My target audience are parents and those above the age of 40. Through my project I want to raise awareness of the various benefits that can come from gaming when it is balanced with other aspects of one’s life, as gaming has grown exponentially over the past few years with “75% of Americans having at least one game player in the house.” (2020, ESA, Essential Facts) I plan on using design and the theme of nostalgia to create a connection between parents and children on the topic of gaming.
What you see here, are 3 trading cards from a pack of 10 that I created. I was inspired when looking back on older cards, such as baseball trading cards, Yu-Gi-Oh cards, as well as Pokémon. My biggest inspiration came from the Yu-Gi-Oh cards, so you’ll notice that these trading cards are also battle cards, giving the player certain bonuses to their stats. I created these cards with the idea in mind, that each card would represent one of the benefits that one can obtain from gaming. You will see the name of the card, as well as some text that describe what the card is and does.